Launch Google Chrome in ‘Incognito’ mode from a shortcut

Niggle: I use Google Chrome’s Incognito window mode regularly to view multiple Google Analytics accounts at the same time on one PC. It’s very useful – it means I don’t have to keep signing in and out of my primary google account – but what annoyed me each time was having to open chrome, then open a new ‘incognito’ window from there, which leaves the old ‘normal’ window open in the background.

Solution: Since Chrome came out of beta, the ‘−−incognito’ command line switch has been available.

So, to get this switch working with a short cut, do the following:

  • Copy the existing Chrome shortcut in your quicklaunch bar, desktop, or start menu.
  • Rename the shortcut to something obvious, I called mine “Chrome Incognito”.
  • Right click on the shortcut, and select ‘properties’.
  • The Properties window opens, and you can select the ‘Shortcut’ tab as shown below:
Chrome Icon Shortcut properties
Chrome Icon Shortcut properties

Note the ‘Target’ path field

  • In the ‘Target:’ field, add the switch ‘ −−incognito’ to the end of the target path, as shown below:
Chrome incognito target path
Chrome incognito target path

incognito ‘Switch’ added to target path

  • Click ‘OK’ to save your changes.

There, all done, that shortcut will now open Chrome in incognito mode window. If you have other normal chrome windows open, they will not be effected by this window. For example, you can stay logged into a google account, a live account, or any other persistent cookie/session driven system. Incognito windows are also great for logging into online banking sites if you’re a bit paranoid.

Note: If you have a 0.* version you will need to upgrade to v1.* or higher.

How to enable FLV file playback in IIS 6

Problem: This one crops up every-so-often, and a colleague just asked me again, so it’s probably worth posting. When an FLV is loaded into a Flash app, the FLV file is ‘played’ when the SWF or Projector is run. When this is done locally – i.e. you run an SWF from your hard drive, or file server – it’ll work fine. The problem comes when you upload it to your IIS web server. The server probably won’t recognise the ‘.flv’ filetype, so it’ll display nothing.

Solution: To make your IIS 6 web server aware of FLV files, do the following:

  • Open ‘IIS Manager’.
  • Right click on your site in ‘Web Sites’, and select ‘Properties’.
  • Choose the ‘HTTP Headers’ tab.
  • Click the ‘MIME Types…’  button on the bottom-right.
  • Click ‘New…’ and then add ‘.flv’ and ‘video/x-flv’ as shown below:
Setting FLV Mime type in IIS site properties
Setting FLV Mime type in IIS site properties
  • ‘Ok’ your way out, and ‘Apply’ when needed.
  • Your video should now play in a browser when embed in an SWF.
Note: You might have to stop and start ISS, but I didn’t when I added the Mime type a few hours ago.
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Vista Driver for HP Photosmart 1215…


Yesterday my father-in-law needed to hook his old HP Photosmart 1215 Inkjet to Windows Vista Home Edition. HP don’t provide a Vista driver for the 1215…


A quick search around the web found that the driver for the Photosmart 7200 works perfectly. He tried it and says it works exactly as it should.

To install the diver use the following steps:

  1. Click the ‘Start’ Icon, and select ‘Control Panel’ in the start menu.
  2. Once the Control Panel window opens, double-click the ‘Printers’ icon.
  3. In the ‘Printers’ window, click the ‘Add a printer’ icon/link in the top menu bar.
  4. In the ‘Add Printer’ dialog window, select ‘Local Printer’ and ‘Next’.
  5. When asked to ‘Choose a Printer Port’, select ‘Use an existing port’ and click on the ‘USB001 (virtual printer port for USB)’ item in the list. Then click Next.
  6. On the following page, select ‘HP’ or ‘Hewlett Packard’ in the left pane, and find ‘Photosmart 7200′ in the list on the right.
  7. IMPORTANT: Plug in the Printer now, if it’s not already plugged in, and switch it on.
  8. Click ‘next’ and then print a test page.

That should do it…

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