Problem: The routing of the vacuum hose on the GT6 is a bit poo. Actually I don’t know what it was like from the factory, but most engine bays I’ve seen recently have it draped around the rocker cover or across it, and that can lead to problems.
Solution: I wanted to fix the hose to one of the rocker shaft studs as a more secure solution but couldn’t find a suitable hose clamp with an appropriate drilling. Hence this:
Step one: Source a small brass tee, 4mm O.D, and some nitrile rubber hose to suit (eBay for both, £5 delivered).
Step two: Find something to clamp to the stud that can be bonded to the tee. I found that a solder terminal for an earth strap worked quite well.
Step three: Some two-part epoxy adhesive like Araldite does the trick. Here I used their ‘Rapid Steel’ offering which comes out looking a little like metal and is good for bonding most metals.
Step four: Fill the terminal with enough mixed-up adhesive to not spill out when the tee is pressed into it.
Step five: Press the tee into the terminal, making sure that it’s level and straight.
Step six: Support the items until they set. For Araldite Rapid this needed 45 mins undisturbed. For non-rapid types I believe it’s 24h.
Step seven: Fit to the engine! Happy with this. The tee holds the hose just clear of the rocker cover, and the short hose lengths either side don’t allow it to droop on the manifolds.
Please let me know if this post was useful with a click, be honest 🙂