Stop WordPress installing new bundled themes and plugins when the core is upgraded.

Problem: Every time WordPress updates to a newer major version it tries to install the newest default Theme too, i.e. WP5.0 arrived with the theme Twenty Nineteen.

In many – maybe MOST cases – we aren’t going to want this to happen on an existing WordPress installation, especially if you are already using a custom theme.

Solution: Thankfully there’s a config value to stop this happening. The value is:


…and if you add this line to your `wp-config.php` file (usually found in the root of your site) it will skip new bundles items when the core is upgraded, as the name suggests.

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2 thoughts on “Stop WordPress installing new bundled themes and plugins when the core is upgraded.”

  1. Love this, trying it now. So much bloat in WP, why cant they add a simple settings panel for the CMS, disable things like the customizer, Gutenberg etc. Bells and whisltes are great but I see folks with 2013-2019 auto installed, whats the point. How much internet is Hello Dolly wasting….

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