tags around WordPress Shortcodes while retaining wpautop() changes.

I’m building something using Drew Morris’ Foundation 4 Theme for WordPress ( and it allows shortcodes like [row] and [column] to be used, so that content can be aligned to the grid.

The problem is, when those shortcodes are used with any sort of line break after them, wpautop() plays havoc with the markup. I could just disable wpauto() with `remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’ );` but I want it to effect all other content.

Wordpress 3.6 has an nice new tag called has_shortcode() which can be used along with some RegEx and preg_replace() to replace the offending <br /> tags. Here’s my first version… it can be improved but it’s working pretty well so far!

add_filter ('the_content', 'cleangridshortcodes');
function cleangridshortcodes($content) {
  if(has_shortcode($content,'row') || has_shortcode($content,'column')) {
    $patterns = array("/([row])
/"); $replacements = array('$1','$1','$1'); $content = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $content); } return $content; }

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