Resize a U Bolt properly without heating

Problem: When re-fitting the ARB to the GT6 with new U Bolts, I found the new ones were too wide, and forcing them in would have resulted the badly seated washers and nuts:

Old and new U Bolts
Old and new U Bolts, too dissimilar

Fix: The new U Bolts could be bent to shape in a metalworking vice, but there’s an easy way to make sure they remain parallel:

Putting the U Bolt in the Vice
Put the U Bolt in the Vice and protect the threads a little
Find something exactly the inside-size of the old U Bolt
Find something exactly the inside-size of the old U Bolt
Tighten the new U Bolt against the chosen spacer
Tighten the new U Bolt against the chosen spacer
Keep checking against the old item until it's correct
Keep checking against the old item until it’s correct
Once it's right, note the flats are still perfectly parallel
Once it’s right, note the flats are still perfectly parallel

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